This is what happened in our street at 8.20am on Friday morning. Usually the street is busy with residents travelling to work or school and the local primary school bus goes past our house just before 8.50. The reason I know the time that it happened is I heard it and then saw it happen. I was in our younger daughters bedroom when I heard a snap then saw the huge branch fly down to the ground. Our street was blocked till lunchtime, which made for morning excitment for the girls as we watched the council come in their special truck with the tree lopper to remove it. The picture is quite deceptive as it was large and it could easily have crushed someone or a vehicle.
We hibernated for most of the day played with playmobil when you are a young adult almost aged 40 it is the ideal way to spend a wet holiday day! Then I started packing up our kitchen. Soon it will be out with the old in with the NEW - hooray a working stove utoh no more excuses as to why I haven't cooked!
My mum gave me this box for saucepans etc...but maybe it is more beneficial as a playbox - what do you think? The Easter Bunny certainly enjoyed it as did her assistant.
We spent Saturday with family from both sides - loads of yummy food and most of all loads of fun family memories to treasure.
On Sunday we went to the Blue Mountains to visit one of my uni friends and her partner. Lizzy and N are the sort of friends you leave feeling inspired and refreshed. There is art created by them everywhere in there beautiful very welcoming house. Most of all they open their hearts to not only us but also the girls. The comfort and joy for all of us is paramount to them. Lizzy got excited after asking me if she could organise an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard. It was so much fun we did it twice (using the same eggs over).
On the way up the girls asked for their sunnies. I had only Rs so negotiations ensured. E got Rs, R got mine and I got to sit in the front knitting while H drove. R looked like a celebrity superkid and E looked like a kid that was oh so used to it. I couldn't help but smile at the cuteness factor but I am their mother so they have a direct line to my heart strings.
Today we caught up for brunch at ours with a fellow blogger RoseRed and her H. It was lovely to sit on the deck with good food and most of all great company. We finished our lovely weekend off with a trip to our favourite Japanese for dinner with the girls.