In my need to entertain and make Es Preschool journal sound really interesting we have done some out of the ordinary excursions this week. One of my friends is very supportive of my need to help illustrate an interesting holiday so suggested we took the 4 kids on a train trip. It was a great idea and the kids had a ball waving and jumping around excitedly on the station. Really gave a different perspective to my days of travelling to work on the train. I will try and hold onto the image of pure joy when thinking of trains.
We went to a park then a cafe for babycinos. Phew one day will look interesting.
Another fun activity was pretend beaches in the backyard... a great way to enjoy a sunny hot afternoon.

We went to two different parks independent of the train park to find that vandals had been busy over the long weekend. It is so disappointing, don't people have better things to do then to destroy kids play equipment. I rang the council to bring to attention the lack of safety locks on the gates and I thought gee I am or have turned into my mum. Which I am not saying is a bad thing. Better to get things sorted then just complain and do nothing about it.

On Sunday we went into town to see my younger sisters art exhibition which was very impressive. It was in a really interesting part of town. There were alot of people recovering from a big Saturday night. It was really sad to see alot of the homeless people. I thought how lucky am I to have people that care for me. I couldn't stop thinking about what dreams there mum would have had when they were born and what could have happened to have them end up living on the streets. Sometimes we get so caught up in monetary items we forget how lucky we are just to be loved.

I walked with the girls to the next suburb this morning, roughly just over 5 kms. E walked for about 4 kms of it, we made it into a game and she forgot that she was walking so far. The library visit bought me out into a sweat. Both girls had a need for toilet visits. During Rs nappy change E decided to empty all the toys out of the toy basket and load it with books and play librarians did the right thing by putting the books back but the huge pile of books she accumulated in such a short time caused me great concern. R took off with a ladies book on Australias' equivalent to Jack the Ripper and I was constantly chasing her round she thought it was hilarious.
1 comment:
Oh I love the pretend beach idea! Where's your sister exhibition? Is it still on?
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