H kindly organised for a parents retreat of a couple of hours and thanks to his very willing parents who happily babysit for us we got away. Both kids have not been sleeping well and as a result both parents have not also. Scarily I went walking with my neighbour this morning and while she was waiting for me said just trying to find my sunglasses and she kindly said the ones on top of your head. Dohl double dohl. I decided against any fine dining as when you are at extreme tiredness that is not my idea of relaxing. We went to the Northern beaches and got takeaway fish and chips and watched the waves roll in under a lovely full moon. The sea was invigorating and seem to carry all our concerns out to sea. Finished the evening off in my favourite way with hot chocolates and yummy chocolate desert from the Bald Man - Max Brenner - yum yum and make that double yum.
Had high hopes for this week sleep wise even tried to go to bed 1 hour earlier, only problem both kids are waking alternate hours. Eldest one is having nightmares over spiders and monsters. Youngest has the beginning of a cold, great stuff yippppppppppppee (only kidding) more disease to follow soon, I hope not.

Maybe they should try sleeping lying down!

As it is officially SHOESday please find attached eledest daughters gumboot collection, especially great for jumping in muddy puddles. I wouldn't mind a pair for those days when I just want or need to do a bit of stomping!
Great pic of you and the moon!
I wish I had gumboots too. Nice red ones. One day...
I hope you do get some sleep very soon....
It WAS a lovely night (despite the litres of cooking fat in the fish and chips!)
Thanx for that! As you say, it's amazing what a few hours away from our cares can do for your frame of mind!
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