Oh my gosh it isn't 2008 yet! Our friends had a baby we had all been eagerly awaiting the news after they had had a traumatic 9 months. The baby was born this morning weighing a very large 10 pounds. The mother is not big at all so it was an oh my gosh, thankfully she had a ceasar! Anyhow E and I decided to make the wrapping paper today for Ts baby present and I got so carried away that I stencilled out 2008 instead of 2007. Do I save it for his first birthday and start again or just use the paper around it?
It has been a busy week with E and R both having playground falls. E still has a wound under her chin and R had a nasty black lip. Made her lips even bigger. E is now on holidays so spent today wearing a bikini and pretending she was at the beach. We went walking with our neighbour this morning who ended up carrying Es toy pram for most of the trek. Stay tuned for the fashion pages to be now displaying toy prams as your latest handbag!

Had a great family weekend, only immediate apart from the very important OPA visit. If there is one word that is known completely by both it is OPA. H and I had piggy-back races in the backyard chasing each other with the kids on our backs. It is amazing how the simpliest activities can cause so much joy. E had ballet so we got to watch her end of term concert, which always brings a smile... had to remind her to stop playing with her nose halfway through it. H went to the Rugby League finals and came home with our neighbour who has a liking for Krispy Kreme donuts so as I update my outdated blog I am eating a chocolate donut, talk about indulgence. Working hard to put back on the 5 kilos I have lost recently NOT!

The outfit R is wearing was given to her for her first birthday by one of her Aunties. I have been waiting excitedly for her to wear it. I just love the retro fabric. We tried to take the monthversary pics yesterday. R kept on wanting to sit or cuddle me. I just couldn't get enough. Her vocab is just amazing at present. Said sticker tonight, can now say yeah for yes, no, mummy, daddy, good, more... to mention just a few. E and I are able to have actual conversations with her now which is fantastic as it reduces the need for tantrums. It is hard to be 20 months and not understood. Yes R is 20 months today sob sob my little baby is no more. A toddler has well and truly arrived. As for E well she is a preschooler going on second-grader.
Are you sure E wasn't PICKING her nose??!!
Love that retro fabric - very cute!
Haha I had the opposite problem...last year I dated one of my ceramic plate 1996 rather than 2006 :)
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