My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, it was in June. All I wanted was the backyard to be sorted. I had been looking at a dirt mountain where I wanted to put a lovely bench I already had. I had watched this dirt mountain grow with weeds and become a bit of a child danger mountain, spiders, gravel, gum tree branches all the fun things kids are attracted to.
Out of the blue last week mum and dad came over and tidied up the front and back gardens. We had so much fun all working together. Mum rang me and said they would be back this week to sort out my mountain, it is very close to being finished just need some turf and then to work out retaining walls etc... but I love it already, I can sit in the cool of the trees in summer and enjoy the warmth of the winter sun.
Parents retreat seat!

Today my sister, brother-in-law and my dad came over and helped. So special these kinds of memories. My sister has been off work for a year, she has not been well and returns to work on Monday so for her to give up her special last days of freedom are even nicer. I loved the adult company. H still working 7 days and not coming home till late sad for me and sad for him, but moments like this really make my heart sing and hopefully his will soon start to sing a heartfelt tune too.
View from the parents retreat seat!

E working on the cubby house making it into TinselTown