Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sad as all washed up

Had some little monkeys over today for a playday. Was distracted, not sure what happened but thought I would quickly hang the washing out before they arrived... found a BIG BIG disaster at the bottom of the washing machine! Our digital camera is sparkling clean somehow made it into the washing machine, my fault completely. Was relieved I had downloaded all our pics yesterday, but those of you that know me know that I take lots of photos so I am sad very sad... rang up Canon and everyone that I spoke to had said WHAT and I had to repeat the story over and over - talk about punishment.

To sad to blog without pics... not sure when I will return... thanks for your comments to date (which I love in the sometimes lonely world of a stay at home mum)!


Rose Red said...

Oh dear! Can it be fixed?

Sophia said...

I hope your camera is OK. Things like this happen so try not to beat yourself up about it:)

SadieandLance said...

oh no!!!!!!! hopefully you'll look back on this soon and laugh?

Snoozen said...

It can possibly be fixed for a price starting from $300 apparently. Thanks for your support guys it means a lot.

Amanda said...

So sorry to hear about the camera, not good. Please come back to blogging though, pictures or no pictures, miss you.