I love my daughters but I also love sleep...
This week our youngest daughter has turned the idea of dreaming into an ongoing nightmare. Monday night she was up till 1am constantly getting out of her cot. The problem with her having really long legs she is a born escapee. The getting out of the cot would not have been an issue if she did not hurt her chin on one episode OR if she did not decide to undress and leave only a singlet on, having removed her nappy. What was cute and funny the first time was no longer cute and funny the 28th time. She would come down to H and I with different clothes in her hand ready to start a new day. HELLO the old day has not ended yet.
Sleep count for Monday night 5 hours
Tuesday night I took one side of her cot away and converted it into a little bed - how could things get worse - a repeat of Monday night but only stayed up till 12.30pm.
Sleep count for Tuesday night 5 hours 30 mins
Wednesday night we were without power till after 8pm - so eldest daughter and myself kept R company she fell asleep but woke continually from 11ish, at 1.30am I gave up and slept on her floor.
Sleep count less then 5 hours and back pain extreme.
I sound woe is me, I have tried going to bed earlier but what happens when you constantly have a little visitor you do not get to sleep.
My twin sister reminded me yesterday about Dr Greens Toddler Taming. I have been reading his advise and will be following his methods for:
Repeated middle-of-the-night wakening
When they won't go to bed at night
The child who comes to his parents' bed each night
The procrastinator
The early riser
The night prowler
The cot escapee
so many areas to cover for a 27 month year old.
Anyhow if anyone wants to be my sponsor and lend an ear of support it would be greatly appreciated.
Not the end of the world stuff and she is still a delight during the daylight hours BUT I want to have at least one day before I am 40 when I am not in a total state of zombie-ness (probably no such word but it sounds good).
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hooray for Hs finished present

I was really excited on Friday night as I finished Hs 40th Birthday present. His birthday was on the 29th February so not really that late I guess and he gets all of winter to enjoy it. Next project for H is a nice scarf from the remaining wool.
Pattern: Cobblestone Pullover by Jared Flood. From the magazine Interweave Knits Fall 2007. I did alter the neck slightly as I didn't like the way it finished as it was mean't to just roll.
Yarn: Jo Sharp, Silkroard Aran Tweed in Wintergrass
Sticks: Circular and double pointed bamboo ones
Time: Late January till 24th May
What I learnt: I am not a knitter. I put my heart and soul into it. Most of all it was knitted with love. It is far from perfect but H loves it and I love him for being so excited about it. I am excited to start something new and on a smaller scale as I was worried the whole time I was knitting as to if it was going to fit or be nice enough to wear.
Photos taken on location at Robertson in the Southern Highlands. It took us 2 hours (or H 2 hours to drive there on Saturday morning). We met up with our good friends from Canberra and sat in the sun enjoying a lovely picnic. Another fun filled Saturday thanks to all family members behaving and kids playing nicely and good food and great company.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Leaves here Leaves there Leaves everywhere

Had a truly fun family weekend. Took the girls out to Japanese on Friday night and they behaved beautifully such a lovely way to start the weekend. It mean't so much H being home by 6.30 for this family outing. Saturday all in good form from a nice start to the weekend we went on a road trip to the Blue Mountains. The fresh cold air was invigorating and made me feel alive. Had yummy homemade (well from a little organic bakery that we found) lentil, feta and pumpkin pie - delicious (some older gentlemen at the table next to us commented on how well behaved the kids were - made my chest swell ever so slightly). The kids found this great pile of leaves in Leura and it was so easy to feel the need to roll, cover and play. We drove back through the very scenic Bells Line of Road and Richmond, Windsor - lovely lovely day. Especially as we stopped at the farm shops on the way home and got the freshest of vegetables. I am cooking a roast tonight with the yummys we bought.
I am also in celebration mode over Hs secret project which is oh no secret anymore. Have a really sore index finger which I think is an indication that I am not a born knitter. Hopefully I will have a finished project to show one day soon.
Yesterday we put together a trampoline and all had a turn. I am really kinda scared of it. It is an old style uncaged one. The kids love it, and E wanted to show her buddies (toys) before breakfast this morning. Hopefully I will be jumping for joy over its assembly instead of trembling with terror!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tears of joy to be had...
This last week has yet again I hate to report exhausting, but as they say there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday after a fretful morning of waiting for blood test results from the hospital about youngest daughter R, I heard the news every parent, friend wants to hear the results are normal. I rang husband and told him the news I had tried to busy myself all morning, painting where the fridge will return to and doing other mind distracting tasks. The tears started rolling down my face he said what would you have done if the news was bad, I said cry. I said I am crying because I am so relieved, the tension could be released and whoosh tears of joy.
We had spent Mothers Day trying to get a urine sample from R (It took 5 hours on Sunday) the air was tense and we both ended up getting extremely frustrated with each other and the situation. Not easy to get a urine sample from a 2 year old non-toilet trained girl. H drove to the hospital late on Sunday night with the sample. On Monday the hospital contacted me to say that the results were not good again, that she would have to come in for a blood test the next day. We still have one more urine test to do in a fortnight (oh joy not)!
We all set out on Tuesday morning E is home on Monday and Tuesday. Arrived they were running slightly late so H had to go. I was quietly freaking out at how E would react to watching R have her blood test. For some reason R hates this particular examination room they use and again the tantrums of last week started. I had to physically lie on her while they took blood (which is completely different from adults they use a drip valve (really revolting stuff and not for the weak stomached).
I looked over to see how E was going she was sitting in the corner reading a book while her sister screamed the room down.
Got the picture... interesting... challenging... (even more so as I had been up since 4am with R) then there was getting home without a car and two little ones. We managed to walk to the train station some 2kms away and caught the train which included much to the kidlings delight 5 stations. E was an Angel, walked without complaint, helped me when she could - she is an amazing little 4 year old.
As a reward we made Chocolate Crackles together that afternoon while R slept. We have been having a lovely afternoon filled of delights after Preschool.
Tears of joy have also been had for my younger sister who got her biopsy results on Wednesday and they came back benign (big yipeeeeeeee hugs) and the fact that my twin sister is in China with her husband and we have heard from them. How lucky are we as a family to have so much to celebrate!

First lamb roast cooked in the almost but not completely finished kitchen - walls and floors to be done, but oh so close. Tasted as good as it looked even if I say so myself!

Free entertainment provided by family band, to help Granny celebrate Happy Grannys' Day!

2 little helpers - making beds for mummy

Mothers Day breakfast lovingly prepared by H and flowers picked by E and received wholehearted and joyfully by me. Note to H idea for my birthday, flowers would be nice.

Trains are fun when you are 2 and 4. R wearing a tutu as that is what she wanted to wear so I thought it would help, it didn't.

Chocolates that make you snap, crackle and pop in a fun way!
Yesterday after a fretful morning of waiting for blood test results from the hospital about youngest daughter R, I heard the news every parent, friend wants to hear the results are normal. I rang husband and told him the news I had tried to busy myself all morning, painting where the fridge will return to and doing other mind distracting tasks. The tears started rolling down my face he said what would you have done if the news was bad, I said cry. I said I am crying because I am so relieved, the tension could be released and whoosh tears of joy.
We had spent Mothers Day trying to get a urine sample from R (It took 5 hours on Sunday) the air was tense and we both ended up getting extremely frustrated with each other and the situation. Not easy to get a urine sample from a 2 year old non-toilet trained girl. H drove to the hospital late on Sunday night with the sample. On Monday the hospital contacted me to say that the results were not good again, that she would have to come in for a blood test the next day. We still have one more urine test to do in a fortnight (oh joy not)!
We all set out on Tuesday morning E is home on Monday and Tuesday. Arrived they were running slightly late so H had to go. I was quietly freaking out at how E would react to watching R have her blood test. For some reason R hates this particular examination room they use and again the tantrums of last week started. I had to physically lie on her while they took blood (which is completely different from adults they use a drip valve (really revolting stuff and not for the weak stomached).
I looked over to see how E was going she was sitting in the corner reading a book while her sister screamed the room down.
Got the picture... interesting... challenging... (even more so as I had been up since 4am with R) then there was getting home without a car and two little ones. We managed to walk to the train station some 2kms away and caught the train which included much to the kidlings delight 5 stations. E was an Angel, walked without complaint, helped me when she could - she is an amazing little 4 year old.
As a reward we made Chocolate Crackles together that afternoon while R slept. We have been having a lovely afternoon filled of delights after Preschool.
Tears of joy have also been had for my younger sister who got her biopsy results on Wednesday and they came back benign (big yipeeeeeeee hugs) and the fact that my twin sister is in China with her husband and we have heard from them. How lucky are we as a family to have so much to celebrate!

First lamb roast cooked in the almost but not completely finished kitchen - walls and floors to be done, but oh so close. Tasted as good as it looked even if I say so myself!

Free entertainment provided by family band, to help Granny celebrate Happy Grannys' Day!

2 little helpers - making beds for mummy

Mothers Day breakfast lovingly prepared by H and flowers picked by E and received wholehearted and joyfully by me. Note to H idea for my birthday, flowers would be nice.

Trains are fun when you are 2 and 4. R wearing a tutu as that is what she wanted to wear so I thought it would help, it didn't.

Chocolates that make you snap, crackle and pop in a fun way!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Life can be like a kite you are either on a high or a low depending on the elements

We had loads of fun with a very windy last Monday. My good friend Cathy was in control of kite education. Unfortunately the kite rods snapped in the high winds before everyone got to have a go... maybe this was symbolic of the week that was.
I will get all the tales of woes out early and follow up with pictures that make me feel good.
Wednesday tiling was mean't to start in the kitchen the suppliers mucked up so fingers crossed for tomorrow so I spent all of Wednesday waiting and waiting some more for the tiles - one of those what did I really do with the days sort of days. Anyhow Thursday came and daughter no.2 was inconsolable for 3 hours then decided to be sick all over our bedroom floor. Wouldn't let me put her down for the whole day so I ended up catching the train to pick daughter 1 up from Pre-school as it was easier then having someone screaming at me from the backseat of the car. My parents had dropped in on there way North to see the progress on the kitchen. They had bad news and when I say bad news I mean shocking, I still can't believe it kind of news.
My old BIG manager at work died of cancer last year and last Sunday night his son died in a fire in their family house. The wife has now lost her husband, son, pets and house and any photos or momentos of them. My heart just goes out to his wife, he and she were so inspirational and he always looked on life as being a journey.
Friday bought daughter no.2 continuing with her feelings of being unwell. I can't quite remember when I last had 8 hours sleep. We had a very fun and busy weekend planned but with kids plans can change with a wink of an eye. So on Saturday with R still burning up 40+ temp we went to the local doctor, the words viral infection etc... they weren't concerned that she hadn't eaten since Wednesday night and as of Monday lunchtime has only eaten a couple of pieces of watermelon. She is pale, and just wants to cuddle mummy which is lovely but exhausting as she is or was over 15 kilos. On Saturday afternoon our amazing neighbour responded to my message of what do I do, by coming over for a visit - she is a doctor at accident and emergency at our local hospital. She took one look at our listless little angel and said she needs to go to hospital for blood and urine tests. We arranged for Opa to come over and look after eldest daughter while we went to the hospital. Our amazing neighbour stayed with our eldest daughter until Opa arrived (how lucky are we to have such neighbours).
Anyhow the hospital was excellent as usual. R looked brighter of course by the time we arrived. We needed to get a urine sample very hard to do on a little one. Missed the only opportunity so they said we could try at home. So for my Saturday night I spent cuddling a beautiful little one trying and willing for her to urinate into a cup held strategically under her. So 2 hours later there was cause for celebration yippppppeeeeeeeeee.
Sunday we were mean't to go to Avoca to visit our wonderful Irish friends and their long wanted little girl. Decided to do a drop and run of baby stuff. Halfway up on the motorway we had to quickly make an emergency exit. R was not coping well and so new clothes later and mum sitting in the middle to nurse the little one we continued. Saw the little cutie from a distancce and drove back. Nice day for a Sunday drive...look forward to a cuddle next time.
Today was the first Preschool Park play, after spending the night again with R I thought it best she stayed at home with me. Another neighbour whose son is in Es class took E along for me, I will say it again our neighbours rock.
Cause for celebration R has had the cheese off the top of a quarter of a cheese melt.... Fingers crossed.
On the secret project (jersey for H) have started to join it all together but I am having trouble understanding the pattern.
Anyone feeling patient enough to help without getting impatient with an eager to learn student please raise your hand and I will send you the details to decipher. Anyone please.

Warning these photos do not contain woe just smiles from ANZAC day.

Early morning delight

First ever cookies in the oven

Passed the first taste test

Happy little soldiers at work including Opa doing an amazing job of rendering the wall ready for the tiles
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