Monday, May 26, 2008

Hooray for Hs finished present

I was really excited on Friday night as I finished Hs 40th Birthday present. His birthday was on the 29th February so not really that late I guess and he gets all of winter to enjoy it. Next project for H is a nice scarf from the remaining wool.

Pattern: Cobblestone Pullover by Jared Flood. From the magazine Interweave Knits Fall 2007. I did alter the neck slightly as I didn't like the way it finished as it was mean't to just roll.

Yarn: Jo Sharp, Silkroard Aran Tweed in Wintergrass

Sticks: Circular and double pointed bamboo ones

Time: Late January till 24th May

What I learnt: I am not a knitter. I put my heart and soul into it. Most of all it was knitted with love. It is far from perfect but H loves it and I love him for being so excited about it. I am excited to start something new and on a smaller scale as I was worried the whole time I was knitting as to if it was going to fit or be nice enough to wear.

Photos taken on location at Robertson in the Southern Highlands. It took us 2 hours (or H 2 hours to drive there on Saturday morning). We met up with our good friends from Canberra and sat in the sun enjoying a lovely picnic. Another fun filled Saturday thanks to all family members behaving and kids playing nicely and good food and great company.


Rose Red said...

Oh great job! It looks fabulous!! Don't sell yourself short, I think it's a great achievement! And it fits so well and looks great!

Bells said...

Oh I beg to differ - you ARE a knitter! look at that. It's wonderful!

SadieandLance said...

The jumper looks fabulous! Well done! Sounds like a lovely Saturday adventure too.

Alabaster said...

As the lucky recipient, I can say it's so lovely - very soft and has the kind of warmth that only comes with a give made with love. Thanks sweetie, you're wonderful!

[Bit miffed that *I* don't get any "cute husby butt" comments though!]

Sophia said...

What a handsome young man in that lovely green jumper!! and congrats to the clever lady who did it in such a short time first time around!!

ps my mother-in-law commented the other day that this handsome young man hadn't aged a day since his uni years....