Yesterday after a fretful morning of waiting for blood test results from the hospital about youngest daughter R, I heard the news every parent, friend wants to hear the results are normal. I rang husband and told him the news I had tried to busy myself all morning, painting where the fridge will return to and doing other mind distracting tasks. The tears started rolling down my face he said what would you have done if the news was bad, I said cry. I said I am crying because I am so relieved, the tension could be released and whoosh tears of joy.
We had spent Mothers Day trying to get a urine sample from R (It took 5 hours on Sunday) the air was tense and we both ended up getting extremely frustrated with each other and the situation. Not easy to get a urine sample from a 2 year old non-toilet trained girl. H drove to the hospital late on Sunday night with the sample. On Monday the hospital contacted me to say that the results were not good again, that she would have to come in for a blood test the next day. We still have one more urine test to do in a fortnight (oh joy not)!
We all set out on Tuesday morning E is home on Monday and Tuesday. Arrived they were running slightly late so H had to go. I was quietly freaking out at how E would react to watching R have her blood test. For some reason R hates this particular examination room they use and again the tantrums of last week started. I had to physically lie on her while they took blood (which is completely different from adults they use a drip valve (really revolting stuff and not for the weak stomached).
I looked over to see how E was going she was sitting in the corner reading a book while her sister screamed the room down.
Got the picture... interesting... challenging... (even more so as I had been up since 4am with R) then there was getting home without a car and two little ones. We managed to walk to the train station some 2kms away and caught the train which included much to the kidlings delight 5 stations. E was an Angel, walked without complaint, helped me when she could - she is an amazing little 4 year old.
As a reward we made Chocolate Crackles together that afternoon while R slept. We have been having a lovely afternoon filled of delights after Preschool.
Tears of joy have also been had for my younger sister who got her biopsy results on Wednesday and they came back benign (big yipeeeeeeee hugs) and the fact that my twin sister is in China with her husband and we have heard from them. How lucky are we as a family to have so much to celebrate!

First lamb roast cooked in the almost but not completely finished kitchen - walls and floors to be done, but oh so close. Tasted as good as it looked even if I say so myself!

Free entertainment provided by family band, to help Granny celebrate Happy Grannys' Day!

2 little helpers - making beds for mummy

Mothers Day breakfast lovingly prepared by H and flowers picked by E and received wholehearted and joyfully by me. Note to H idea for my birthday, flowers would be nice.

Trains are fun when you are 2 and 4. R wearing a tutu as that is what she wanted to wear so I thought it would help, it didn't.

Chocolates that make you snap, crackle and pop in a fun way!
ewwww, that blood test thing sounds icky, I can't even watch when they take blood from me!! But glad it's all ok, that must be a huge relief. Also good news about sissy and wow! I didn't know about China - how exciting for them! (I think!)
sounds like you've been having some very trying and emotionally challenging times. Glad it's all looking up!
I'd love to go on the train in a tutu!
Yay for all your good news!
That's a yummy looking breakkie you got on Mother's Day!
So glad to hear that R is on the mend, and good test results for your sister.
Man, oh man that breakfast looks fantastic! All the food does.Lucky you!
Hey sorry to hear the hardship you went through in the last couple of weeks.... good news about R's blood result and good on E for being such a good big sister.
Let us know if we can help in any way
ps nice choco crackle and roast dinner!
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