A book which will be oh so handy and a gift from the very gifted RoseRed who taught me how to crochet and her H.

A cute as a button card - made especially by Husby of RoseRed. I had requested that the presence of people was presents enough and all I wanted was a handmade card - so thank you Husby of RoseRed I will treasure it.
Inbetween this gift I received a digital photoframe which is not behaving and won't upload to this post so just invisage a lovely metal frame containing fun family and friends pics. Courtesy of Jax. Great great gift and just what our new kitchen needed!

Some beautiful Woolganic Kniiters Yarn - 100% certified organic wool. Gorgeous truly delicious colours. Thanks again RoseRed and her Husby.

Courtesy of Miss F a beautiful Glass Ginger Jar filled with beautiful memory notes. Little reminders and inspirational notes to make me smile in a nice teary sort of way or make me laugh like a Hyena. Anything is possible with me and my memories. Miss F also organised for my H to write special notes to me...things that make you go awwwwwww.

and then there was the beautiful CLAP hanknitted by RoseRed. I think I have already mentioned that I love it, well I do I really do. Wore it again today so the only day that it has not been shown to the general public was yesterday. I even got it out today when I was home to show it off to one of my friends. Truly snuggly comfortable and again a huge huge Thank you.

The Clapotis was gifted in this beautiful handmade project or I think I will use it entirely to protect this beautiful creation bag.
Another RoseRed original.

Clap on location in Katoomba

Last but not least this bag I purchased in katoomba with some money given to me on Saturday night by my Hs parents they rock. Lovingly looked after the girls while me and H were at Berowra Waters.
I didn't know you were going to Katoomba - good timing for snuggly clap!!
Doesn't RR just give the most wonderful gifts? She's got a great talent for that.
I love that Maggie Righetti book. I have both the crochet and knitting ones and they're both favourites.
Beautiful wool and glass jar! Lucky girl!
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