Today I discovered something really unusual after picking up a pair of my shoes that RR had been wearing to put them back into the wardrobe. Something or should I say someone had been eating the Sole! Shame as I only wear them a couple of times a year when we go out...a good excuse for me to get some new SOLE into my life.
I've been looking at that picture for ages and still can't quite figure out exactly what it is.
Anyhoo, who needs an excuse for a new pair of shoes!
Ok, now I get it!!
Oh I don't quite get it. Can someone explain?
Welcome to my blog Bells. I have been reading yours but have not been up to your standard yet. My youngest daughter decided to eat one of my shoes. I had only one of the images posted the bottom one and Rose Red said she couldn't quite figure out that it was the sole of a shoe.
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