It was a gorgeous day yesterday. Happy Fathers Day to all those concerned. Especially a big heartfelt Fathers Day to H. We had a lovely lovely day. EE and I prepared breakfast in bed, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, oven-roasted tomatoes on spinach and cheese bread with fresh orange juice, a newspaper on the side and no kids after a morning cuddle.
Hs family arrived for brunch, pies, quiche, strudel, tea, coffee, and laughter all on the menu. EE had to get changed into her wedding dress to marry Opa for the 60 millionth time. One of the stories we told Hs family was discovering young R in the bathroom, the problem with having one toilet trained and the other too little. We close the door but EE has a habit of leaving it after she finishes. H found RR in there fingers in the toilet bowl, putting her hands in and out of the bowl in between licking them clean. Yuck Yuck and double yuck.
I had work to do and feel guilty as I still have part of it to do but was really tired after a weekend of very little sleep, so did what I could till 11pm last night then thought I better sleep as we have parent/teacher meeting this morning and must be able to communicate with teacher. Anyhow I started doing some work while the kids played in the backyard. How cool is this to have a portable go anywhere office. But then you have to be able to drop the office and run if necessary.
Special thanks to Rose Red and Sophia for your words of encouragement.
I love "working" in the back yard. So pleasant!
I hope E had flushed the toilet at least!! Heh, kids are funny!
Lucky H!
Fuuny that kids seem to enjoy/not put off by wee and pooh?
Snoozen, thank you so much for a lovely lovely Fathers Day. It was wonderful. To have brekkie in bed, and a nice relaxing day with the family was really what I needed.
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