One week and a half ago I had an accident on our driveway, the outcome could have been far worse. I was chasing a runaway 2 year old and tore my calf muscle. Under doctors orders I am not allowed to drive or walk with the stroller and must walk with the aide of a walking stick. I thought I was on the mend but then I noticed that my leg is extremely tender to touch and has nasty bruises expanding on a daily basis. Hoping this is the norm for recovery and not that my leg is not coping with the injury. Enough self diagnosis will talk to my lovely doctor who lives next door tomorrow.
1st random act of kindness - the neighbour our doctor in emergencies, like when a mother gets hurt and can't drive herself anywhere kind of doctor. Wrote out a referral for an ultrasound and then rang and made an appointment! How good is that. Outcome torn calf muscle with a 3cm muscle retraction.
2nd random act of kindness - hobbling along at the retro markets at Kirribilli in the rain without an umbrella when a guy (who I didn't know runs to my and eldest daughters aide with an umbrella for both of us).
3rd random act of kindness - finding H in the kitchen last night preparing a chocolate self saucing pudding as a surprise and heart warming pick me up!
I have been a bit woe is me, not seeing other humans all day can do that to you and knowing that you can't go anywhere makes it worse. I am excited about tomorrow. I am looking after my neighbours son in the morning, yah will at least see the mother at dropoff and pickup. Saw another neighbour today (while excitedly going to get the target catalogue -highlight of my day) and she said she would pop in for a chat, yah excitement levels reaching fever pitch, Hs father rang today to say he might drop in...excitement levels are just so high and then the best of best, my mum is picking my daughter up for the first ever time from Preschool for me with my neice her cousin. I might see 4 adults and even the postie if I am lucky! No real coffee, miss that but other umans (as my girls say) can't wait!
My woe from last week was also added to when H deleted my entire desktop, thats ok you say you would have backed up, well not recently been ummmm slack and busy. I couldn't face my computer last week, it was to much to handle a crippled leg and computer all in one GO!
Alas I can see clearly now and after eating loads of chocolate and picking flowers from our garden to cheer myself up, I feel better, not 100% but better then last week.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Blog-anniversary -1 year old today

I have been wanting to post for a while but due to illness and school holidays and as a result fatigue, I just have not had the energy to do so.
Part 2 of my birthday seems a bit funny to talk about and seems such a long time ago, weird things have been happening since then - this year is not a good one for our family. Some years are good and some just leave you wondering what on earth have I done wrong in a previous life! Anyhow I have wanted to mention the joy that a few friends have provided over the past few weeks.
Last night my best friend from high school joined us for dinner, it was lovely. She arrived with a beautiful gift of the plant photographed, it has gorgeous aromatic flowrs. It was a lovely way to finish a weekend. I loved preparing dinner for her and our family. It gave me something to look forward to on another weekend where Hs work has taken over our lives. What I really enjoyed most of all was watching the enjoyment that my girls got listening to her reading to them in bed. Time is the best gift of all to kids.
On Friday I had a lovely surprise visit from Soph. How nice it is for a surprise visit, the kids were so taken that there almost needed to be 2 Sos' they wanted both to sit next to her. Soph did not see me in my best light I was struggling up the hill as both girls wanted to sit in the stroller at the same time. She kindly delivered E home with her. It is the small things in life like a friend extending a hand especially when you are not used to hands being extended.
I also want to make special mention to 2 friends who I have been lucky enough to inherit as a result of Hs work. B&A always make you feel special at birthday times and this year was no different. The focus was on providing a yummy meal containing some of my favourite foods. Also some beauty products and a puzzle for me. They remembered that I love logic puzzles. I did spend one visit at their place with the main focus being to solve what was classified as a mind bender. I was excited, I was thrilled my brain had not vanished with the kids it was still present.
Lastly Sadie and Lance a big thumbs up to the slice that you included on your blog. I visited my neighbour on Thursday and it went down a treat for both big and small people.
So when I reflect on my first year of blogging I have wondered on many occasions and more so recently whether to continue. Time will tell... still unsure. But my hope is that for the next year that life treats us all well, with joyful news enough is enough I say!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
What do you do when you are housebound...renovate your daughters bedroom, call me silly...but I needed to do something

The gastro bug is still visiting. H is back at work but both girls are still not well. Meal times are a challenge and the cleaning aspect is revolting. I could tell you about the bath tonight but that would make you sick, it horrified me and I am the mother!
Anyhow poor H was feeling weak and exhausted so what did I say... I want to paint Es room. I thought it would be an easy task, the room is not big by room standards but emptying the room and painting with kids wanting to help can and does mean it takes quite a bit longer. We spent all of Sunday painting and I spent today decorating. I am excited about the outcome, E chose the colour; Rose Ritual. We decided as the kids wanted to be involved we would let them paint the wall. H put some inspirational music on and we all attacked the wall - with paint that is...before H went to work he put the curtain rail up and I surprised him tonight with a finished room. A good family project for those times when you are housebound and going round the twist.
Stay tuned over the next few days for my birthday Part 2

Friday, July 4, 2008
All sick
I will be posting more about my birthday when I have the energy to photograph some presents. Youngest daughter took ill on Tuesday night with a yucky gastro type of has spread... all members of our family are ill. It took all my energy to pickup my eldest daughter from Preschool yesterday R had seemed ok for 24 hours so I decided to let E go to Preschool as school holidays start today. Went early and lay on the couch as soon as I got home...wishing H to come home to take over. H came home but as he had taken ill at work. Lets hope tonight is better. The positive side is that it is nice all to be together, if not suffering together. Gastro bug fly fly away and don't come back another day.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Actual Birthday PART 1 - Day 1 of a 40 year old
My birthday started off very very roughly. We went out to dinner at the Rockpool with my twinee. I am not waxing lyrically about it. Company fantastic, service great, ambience great, food average. Anyhow we stayed up till midnight so that H could wish me an official 40th Birthday. R decided to join in and kept both H and I awake till 3.30am via screaming and protesting loudly. Almost like how dare you go out mum, my present is to make my presence felt!
The only way I got her to stop was to grab a sleeping bag and liedown on her cold hard bedroom floor. Hence I am now sick, sandpaper sore throat kinda sick!
I updated my masthead at 3am this morning on one of my many overnight journeys to her. I think she has what I now have and that is why even though she is a bad sleeper her sleep is even more cactus. Anyhow I have digressed.

Eldest daughter E came into wake me up at 7am on my birthday - less then 3 and a half hours of broken sleep and I am woken put on my I am going to enjoy this day as you only turn 40 once smile. I receive my first phone call at 8am my bestest friend from Uni J. She is funny and full of energy and makes me feel alive - 1 hour later, I emerge and H has run a bath for me, where I receive further phonecalls.
We were going to have breakfast out as a unit of 4 but are running so late that we decide to do that while E is at a Princess Party. Drop E off and go to a lovely cafe a couple of suburbs away - yummy delicious breakfast - bacon cooked in the crispy way I love and tomatoes with a smokey overtone. Do a quick park visit with R and pick E up from the party.
Got home present time BUT that will be talked about in PART 2... stay tuned!
H worried as I have not decided where I want to go for dinner. I say beautiful day, I am tired and so are you lets go to the Palm Beach get takeaway and watch the sun go down. I didn't want to sit in a restaurant for the sake of sitting in a restaurant when I felt so tired. It was fun the absolute invigoration you feel when watching waves on a cool winters night is great. R fell into the water upto her neck, luckily my girl guide training has come in handy and I had numerous changes of clothes with us.
Put the girls to bed and H went out to Max Brenner and got me this yummy delight.
Sat down to watch a movie wanted so hard to stay awake but fell asleep.
That was my 40th, I was needed, I was loved, I was also forgotten but thats another story... but I am lucky, oh so lucky...thanks H for being you... you big SPUNK!
The only way I got her to stop was to grab a sleeping bag and liedown on her cold hard bedroom floor. Hence I am now sick, sandpaper sore throat kinda sick!
I updated my masthead at 3am this morning on one of my many overnight journeys to her. I think she has what I now have and that is why even though she is a bad sleeper her sleep is even more cactus. Anyhow I have digressed.

Eldest daughter E came into wake me up at 7am on my birthday - less then 3 and a half hours of broken sleep and I am woken put on my I am going to enjoy this day as you only turn 40 once smile. I receive my first phone call at 8am my bestest friend from Uni J. She is funny and full of energy and makes me feel alive - 1 hour later, I emerge and H has run a bath for me, where I receive further phonecalls.
We were going to have breakfast out as a unit of 4 but are running so late that we decide to do that while E is at a Princess Party. Drop E off and go to a lovely cafe a couple of suburbs away - yummy delicious breakfast - bacon cooked in the crispy way I love and tomatoes with a smokey overtone. Do a quick park visit with R and pick E up from the party.
Got home present time BUT that will be talked about in PART 2... stay tuned!
H worried as I have not decided where I want to go for dinner. I say beautiful day, I am tired and so are you lets go to the Palm Beach get takeaway and watch the sun go down. I didn't want to sit in a restaurant for the sake of sitting in a restaurant when I felt so tired. It was fun the absolute invigoration you feel when watching waves on a cool winters night is great. R fell into the water upto her neck, luckily my girl guide training has come in handy and I had numerous changes of clothes with us.
Put the girls to bed and H went out to Max Brenner and got me this yummy delight.
Sat down to watch a movie wanted so hard to stay awake but fell asleep.
That was my 40th, I was needed, I was loved, I was also forgotten but thats another story... but I am lucky, oh so lucky...thanks H for being you... you big SPUNK!
Friday, June 27, 2008
How lucky am I
Today my H took the day off work, why to spend a day with us. How lucky am I!
Today my neighbour rang to see if I wanted her daughter to come over and straighten my hair for me, knowing I wouldn't be able to get to a hairdressers. How lucky am I!
Today my brother-in-law organised for me and my twinee to go out to dinner for our birthdays and organised a cake for each of us. How lucky am I!
Today I went to the letterbox and had three cards in the mail. How lucky am I!
Today my parents babysat for us when we went out for dinner. How lucky am I!
Today I got to spend the day with people I love. How lucky am I!
Tomorrow I will be 40 and will be able to think of how much joy I had on my last day of being 39! Bring on the next 40!

Today my neighbour rang to see if I wanted her daughter to come over and straighten my hair for me, knowing I wouldn't be able to get to a hairdressers. How lucky am I!
Today my brother-in-law organised for me and my twinee to go out to dinner for our birthdays and organised a cake for each of us. How lucky am I!
Today I went to the letterbox and had three cards in the mail. How lucky am I!
Today my parents babysat for us when we went out for dinner. How lucky am I!
Today I got to spend the day with people I love. How lucky am I!
Tomorrow I will be 40 and will be able to think of how much joy I had on my last day of being 39! Bring on the next 40!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy oh so hap hap happy ;-)
It is not my birthday till Saturday and already the presents have arrived and wow have I been spoilt. So in order that I reecieved them which was basically a present degustation here they are from Saturday. I heart them all.

A book which will be oh so handy and a gift from the very gifted RoseRed who taught me how to crochet and her H.

A cute as a button card - made especially by Husby of RoseRed. I had requested that the presence of people was presents enough and all I wanted was a handmade card - so thank you Husby of RoseRed I will treasure it.
Inbetween this gift I received a digital photoframe which is not behaving and won't upload to this post so just invisage a lovely metal frame containing fun family and friends pics. Courtesy of Jax. Great great gift and just what our new kitchen needed!

Some beautiful Woolganic Kniiters Yarn - 100% certified organic wool. Gorgeous truly delicious colours. Thanks again RoseRed and her Husby.

Courtesy of Miss F a beautiful Glass Ginger Jar filled with beautiful memory notes. Little reminders and inspirational notes to make me smile in a nice teary sort of way or make me laugh like a Hyena. Anything is possible with me and my memories. Miss F also organised for my H to write special notes to me...things that make you go awwwwwww.

and then there was the beautiful CLAP hanknitted by RoseRed. I think I have already mentioned that I love it, well I do I really do. Wore it again today so the only day that it has not been shown to the general public was yesterday. I even got it out today when I was home to show it off to one of my friends. Truly snuggly comfortable and again a huge huge Thank you.

The Clapotis was gifted in this beautiful handmade project or I think I will use it entirely to protect this beautiful creation bag.
Another RoseRed original.

Clap on location in Katoomba

Last but not least this bag I purchased in katoomba with some money given to me on Saturday night by my Hs parents they rock. Lovingly looked after the girls while me and H were at Berowra Waters.

A book which will be oh so handy and a gift from the very gifted RoseRed who taught me how to crochet and her H.

A cute as a button card - made especially by Husby of RoseRed. I had requested that the presence of people was presents enough and all I wanted was a handmade card - so thank you Husby of RoseRed I will treasure it.
Inbetween this gift I received a digital photoframe which is not behaving and won't upload to this post so just invisage a lovely metal frame containing fun family and friends pics. Courtesy of Jax. Great great gift and just what our new kitchen needed!

Some beautiful Woolganic Kniiters Yarn - 100% certified organic wool. Gorgeous truly delicious colours. Thanks again RoseRed and her Husby.

Courtesy of Miss F a beautiful Glass Ginger Jar filled with beautiful memory notes. Little reminders and inspirational notes to make me smile in a nice teary sort of way or make me laugh like a Hyena. Anything is possible with me and my memories. Miss F also organised for my H to write special notes to me...things that make you go awwwwwww.

and then there was the beautiful CLAP hanknitted by RoseRed. I think I have already mentioned that I love it, well I do I really do. Wore it again today so the only day that it has not been shown to the general public was yesterday. I even got it out today when I was home to show it off to one of my friends. Truly snuggly comfortable and again a huge huge Thank you.

The Clapotis was gifted in this beautiful handmade project or I think I will use it entirely to protect this beautiful creation bag.
Another RoseRed original.

Clap on location in Katoomba

Last but not least this bag I purchased in katoomba with some money given to me on Saturday night by my Hs parents they rock. Lovingly looked after the girls while me and H were at Berowra Waters.
Monday, June 23, 2008
On Saturday to celebrate my upcoming 40th Birthday. I with some very special friends was lucky enough to spend a sundrenched, fun-filled, fantastic food and friends afternoon of delight. I am excited about turning 40 I have done alot already with my life and there are so many more exciting moments to come. Age an inevitable life experience, nothing you can do about it so live life and celebrate.
This post will be about food, the presents I received need their own lime light an unexpected delight and all reflect the great personalities and thoughtfulness of each friend. I love them.
The food - the restaurant an experience. We arrived at 12noon and left at 5.30pm. The staff were friendly and helpful and unobtrusive. They left our sometimes loud table to be loud without concern! We arrived by ferry, a private ferry just for the restaurant. You can arrive by seaplane and one couple did leave that way while we ate. You could if you like have 4, 5 or 6 courses, with or without matching wines.
The men at our table had 6 courses the women 5 (there were 3 additional hidden courses unbenown to us and not mentioned on the menu but yummy surprise treats). Here is my visual diary.

Photos courtesy of H, love your work.
This post will be about food, the presents I received need their own lime light an unexpected delight and all reflect the great personalities and thoughtfulness of each friend. I love them.
The food - the restaurant an experience. We arrived at 12noon and left at 5.30pm. The staff were friendly and helpful and unobtrusive. They left our sometimes loud table to be loud without concern! We arrived by ferry, a private ferry just for the restaurant. You can arrive by seaplane and one couple did leave that way while we ate. You could if you like have 4, 5 or 6 courses, with or without matching wines.
The men at our table had 6 courses the women 5 (there were 3 additional hidden courses unbenown to us and not mentioned on the menu but yummy surprise treats). Here is my visual diary.

Photos courtesy of H, love your work.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Busy funtimes and chaos still reigns!
We celebrated my hs' 40th birthday during the long weekend. A fitting celebration with his family. You maybe confused yes his birthday was in February but his sisters have been travelling so it was the first opportunity we could all get together. Kind of fitting as I turn 40 this month so a passing of the birthday baton!

Poor Opa was as usual in great demand. The kids did really well as we were there for over 3 hours. The food was great and we decided that the chocolate desert could have been had at Tetsuyas it was awesome. The restaurant is a great little local gem to both of our parents. We will be back, the staff all 2 of them (well at lunchtime) were friendly and very accomodating.

The chocolate delight came complete with homemade vanilla ice cream...I think I mentioned it was delicious and best of all it was big, my kinda of desert.

The long weekend continued with a family Yum Cha gathering, 13 unlucky for some but delightful for us. The kids had there own corner and were so excited to be together. Great rainy day stuff. I was kept busy making Basil Brush paper puppets for the young-ins.

On the holiday Monday we had some great friends over for husbands first ever Roast Chicken and desert included Sticky Date pudding. Lovely day with the 3 little ones playing nicely and the adults getting an opportunity to catch up. We look forward to you guys moving closer, more playdates lay ahead. Always relaxing and always fun.

We went from this to this... all in an afternoon

We are still in chaos waiting for the trademan to return to finish the floor... it was mean't to happen on Monday...then Wednesday and maybe today. He won't get my recommendation. He came with a high recommendation from my neighbour I wish I could pass it on. He is a nice guy...but takes on to much!
Anyhow love love and what calms me is the view from our family room... we are lucky the most beautiful canvas you can have that of nature.
We had a lovely weekend last with a surprise trip into town on Friday night to drop my younger sister off and just relax with her at her lovely home. Saturday H had organised unbenown to me that his parents would look after the kids while we went shopping for me...yes all about me at present. More about that later, but H took me to my first ever Sushi Train encounter felt liberated eating without sorting others out at the same time. Spent a lovely night with his folks and then I went shopping again on Sunday. My twinee and I go shopping once a year to buy each others presents. I love what she bought me and it will be displayed in the next week or so.
So for the first time in months I had the equivalent of a day without kids, wasn't sure I was going to know what to do with my arms without kids. I soon found a use, shopping bags the quiet replacement. Love you my girls...and love all that my H did behind the scenes.

Poor Opa was as usual in great demand. The kids did really well as we were there for over 3 hours. The food was great and we decided that the chocolate desert could have been had at Tetsuyas it was awesome. The restaurant is a great little local gem to both of our parents. We will be back, the staff all 2 of them (well at lunchtime) were friendly and very accomodating.

The chocolate delight came complete with homemade vanilla ice cream...I think I mentioned it was delicious and best of all it was big, my kinda of desert.

The long weekend continued with a family Yum Cha gathering, 13 unlucky for some but delightful for us. The kids had there own corner and were so excited to be together. Great rainy day stuff. I was kept busy making Basil Brush paper puppets for the young-ins.

On the holiday Monday we had some great friends over for husbands first ever Roast Chicken and desert included Sticky Date pudding. Lovely day with the 3 little ones playing nicely and the adults getting an opportunity to catch up. We look forward to you guys moving closer, more playdates lay ahead. Always relaxing and always fun.

We went from this to this... all in an afternoon

We are still in chaos waiting for the trademan to return to finish the floor... it was mean't to happen on Monday...then Wednesday and maybe today. He won't get my recommendation. He came with a high recommendation from my neighbour I wish I could pass it on. He is a nice guy...but takes on to much!
Anyhow love love and what calms me is the view from our family room... we are lucky the most beautiful canvas you can have that of nature.
We had a lovely weekend last with a surprise trip into town on Friday night to drop my younger sister off and just relax with her at her lovely home. Saturday H had organised unbenown to me that his parents would look after the kids while we went shopping for me...yes all about me at present. More about that later, but H took me to my first ever Sushi Train encounter felt liberated eating without sorting others out at the same time. Spent a lovely night with his folks and then I went shopping again on Sunday. My twinee and I go shopping once a year to buy each others presents. I love what she bought me and it will be displayed in the next week or so.
So for the first time in months I had the equivalent of a day without kids, wasn't sure I was going to know what to do with my arms without kids. I soon found a use, shopping bags the quiet replacement. Love you my girls...and love all that my H did behind the scenes.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Oh tell me what to do what to do what to do I may follow you...

I came across the knitted part of this project abandoned in the local charity shop. To good to pass up and I was in awe. It came complete with 4 skeins of yarn (not sure if that is the correct wording) but I felt a need to rescue and continue its journey to life. I have added the red elements. I had a vision of a poncho for daughter E then to continue its life with daughter R. Confused as husband said to me I thought you were making it into a skirt. What do you think, continue the poncho or skirt or go in a completely different direction?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A time to remember and reflect

It would have been my Grandads' birthday on the 31st May and what a wonderful way to celebrate the day and life by our family outing to Wamberal. My Grandad was an extremely special man to me always available for us, I cannot remember a time when he was not excited or interested in what we were doing. He collected Elephants, china, plastic, wood, bone & stone - big, small (his collection was in excess of 500) I made this book for him for his 82nd birthday in 1989, I thought he might put his Elephant pictures in it. I wrote this comment inside the front cover:
Dear Grandad,
Happy 82nd Birthday. Grandad I hope this book comes to use for something special.
I Love you
with Lots of Love
S.......... xxooxx
It certainly was used for something special my Grandad was the king of sayings. He filled the book and accompanying envelopes with sayings; handwritten and including drawings. He wrote an inscription to me at the end of the book and this is what he wrote:

I love this book and feel so lucky to have such a beautiful treasure.
Thank you Grandad for your love and the gift of time that you not only gave us but put into this book.

The book had pages with contrasting colours and a leather handsewn patchwork style cover, well it was the 80s and leather was very popular.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Warm Wamberal Winter
Friday after Kindy pickup I decided to make some scones to compliment our leftover dinner. We like to have cleansed the fridge by Friday in preparation of new goodies on Saturday. Dinner was composed of Snow pea, cucumber & celery salad, Pumpkin Scones my first ever, Pumpkin and Potato Fritters my first ever, Natural Greek Style Yoghurt. I did add a couple of slices of bacon it was an odd one but yummy just the same. The youngest one hated the scones and when I say hated, if she could have pushed her plate as far away as the backyard she would have!

We wanted to do a day trip somewhere as we actually find it refreshing journeying to new places with the girls. The destinations are not expensive (well petrol-wise they are) but it is the simple things in life that make you feel recharged and ready to face new challenges - like Rs sleeping habits.

R wasn't really beach ready but we did pick our destination last minute. I said to H how about we have fish and chips on the beach up North for lunch. H was hard at work painting the kitchen ceiling. Less then 30 minutes after that we were heading off!

I took one towel and changes of clothes for the girls...just in case sort of stuff. It was needed and my Girl Guide training of always be prepared came in handy as you can see E took a nose dive into the surf when wave jumping.

Public declaration it may have been washed away by the waves by the time we left but isn't it fun to do sand drawings and delight those who add so much warmth to your heart!

Nature and its sparkling natural jewels as I said it is the simple things in life...I am recharged now H and I painted the kitchen walls when we got home, one more coat to go and then the fridge will be back home...H off to work - yes weekend work is again happening... me well my family are coming to dinner to celebrate mums sticky date puddings, cheese platter, roast meats etc on the agenda...hopefully yummy photos will follow...must think positively and if I get stressed I will look at these Warm Wamberal photos.

We wanted to do a day trip somewhere as we actually find it refreshing journeying to new places with the girls. The destinations are not expensive (well petrol-wise they are) but it is the simple things in life that make you feel recharged and ready to face new challenges - like Rs sleeping habits.

R wasn't really beach ready but we did pick our destination last minute. I said to H how about we have fish and chips on the beach up North for lunch. H was hard at work painting the kitchen ceiling. Less then 30 minutes after that we were heading off!

I took one towel and changes of clothes for the girls...just in case sort of stuff. It was needed and my Girl Guide training of always be prepared came in handy as you can see E took a nose dive into the surf when wave jumping.

Public declaration it may have been washed away by the waves by the time we left but isn't it fun to do sand drawings and delight those who add so much warmth to your heart!

Nature and its sparkling natural jewels as I said it is the simple things in life...I am recharged now H and I painted the kitchen walls when we got home, one more coat to go and then the fridge will be back home...H off to work - yes weekend work is again happening... me well my family are coming to dinner to celebrate mums sticky date puddings, cheese platter, roast meats etc on the agenda...hopefully yummy photos will follow...must think positively and if I get stressed I will look at these Warm Wamberal photos.

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