Went for a quick walk looking for the local wild bunny to show Empress E. Revolutionary R and I usually see it when we are out walking on a Tuesday morning. We couldn't walk far as EE insisted on taking her baby in its stroller. Otherwise known after her last hospital visit as Claratone (after her medicine Claratyne, obviously made her feel better). I think the other name that she has become attached to is from listening to the doctor talk to a couple in the next bed with a baby. The name is NATURAL BABY, H and I have a wee smile to each other when she calls out Claratone and Natural Baby where are you. We didn't see the Bunny Bun Bun this morning unfortunately. We did see in the backyard next to the cubby house a lovely Blue Tongue Lizard. Our Cat called in full Tobias Al-G Jinx, Toby for short was playing with us so we didn't want to bring to much attention to it and that is why I haven't got a photo. Slowly going stir crazy due to hybernation from gluey gooey eye which had transferred across and now in both eyes. Need a takeaway coffee or something to feel part of society and the world, but H took car in for a service so will dream about it tonight and see how the glue factory is going tomorrow. Please send go as soon as possible glue messages through even if only in your mind.
Allow me to introduce you to another important member of Empress Es family. 3 Legged, why because he has 3 legs of course. It was only when H and I were going through some photos from 2 years ago that we realised he is not aging well. I think this is a result of constant cuddling being placed on the table while eating and being handled by grottie fingers as illustrated above.
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