We have visited 2 suburbs with the kids over the past 2 nights to view Christmas lights. What absolute joy they bring. E was beside herself with excitement and so it really caught on with R just gorgeous.
Had a wonderful evening last night with Hs family. A big seafood feast was had and we exchanged gifts. I will post an obscene gift image once we have finished the big exchange with my family today. I made homemade Christmas Crackers and they went down a treat, really simple contents of bubble bath for the girls, rubbery finger monster puppets for the boys, a candy cane and a Wooden Christmas ornament for all. I also included a little ball and a balloon for the little girls. We had homemade and bought party hats.
Yesterday we also had a last minute supply visit to the shops. Santa was still there so E got a last minute chat. It was absolutely gorgeous to witness. She told him she wanted a wind up spider that she could put on her and it would climb up and tickle her. He wisley said she may get a lovely surprise. We have bought her a fishing rod as that is what she had been asking for. She can play pretend fishing from the deck and cubby house. She told Santa at th end that he could come to her party. The amount of people is exploding and I am getting quitely nervous. Wanted a little low key affair, garden not ready, no oven, oh well heres' to surviving Christmas Day first.
Merry Christmas to everyone that reads my blog.
Merry Christmas Snozzen. Hope it was all lovely and that you survived it! xx
Merry Christmas to yourself, H, E and R!
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